Musical comedy The Rocky Horror Show landed the third, while Mary Poppins, a Disney musical starring Julie Andrews stood fourth.
Musical comedy the Rocky Horror Showlanded the third, while Mary Poppins, a Disney musical starring Julie Andrews stood fourth.
In the movie industry, films are segmented into genres, such as action and adventure, drama, romance, horror, and comedy.
In the 2009 horror comedy Zombieland, main character Columbus is forced to face his fear of clowns when crossing a blood-thirsty zombiefied carnival clown.
She's also currently shooting the remake of the '80s horror/comedy "Fright Night."
In the second part the spectators and even the usherette watch the movie, in which could by find action, crazy comedy, or horror in very short time.
Fox shrugs off the criticism, when I meet her in Toronto - where her new movie, the demonic-possession horror-comedy Jennifer's Body is getting its world premiere.
This is an energetic and highly entertaining combination of horror, disaster movie, and dark comedy, and it's so damn good I expect there to be an American remake within the next few years.
There are many kinds of movies, action, comedy, romance, adventure, horror, drama, science fiction, suspense, cartoon, etc.
This 1985 horror-comedy features a very early Jim Carrey performance, but is much more notable for Lauren Hutton's work as the vampire seductress known as The Countess.
My cousin liked horror films and documentaries, I often go to the movies with my friends it's a very funny comedy that the documentary was …
My cousin liked horror films and documentaries, I often go to the movies with my friends it's a very funny comedy that the documentary was …