New HBO comedy animation, about 20-year-old Tim and his girlfriend lives in New York.
The magazine noted, “He is one of the few writers in Hollywood who has major credits in all genres: comedy, suspense, human drama, animation.”
They can be applied to almost any type of animation, even though they work best for comedy.
It has a fantastic story full of action, adventure, comedy, heartfelt emotion with cutting-edge animation and incredible voice talent.
"There's everything from action and adventure, comedy, animation and a choreographed musical number that just stays with you," Boyle said.
Fresh from its US box office triumph in North America, Kung Fu Panda, the latest DreamWorks Animation cartoon comedy, debuted in China Friday.
Fresh from its US box office triumph in North America, Kung Fu Panda, the latest DreamWorks Animation cartoon comedy, debuted in China Friday.