The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers.
Maybe you can get a tattoo resembling your coming of age!
At this conference, it was clear that agile was coming of age.
The book is about LeBron and his friends coming of age in Akron.
The e-generation is coming of age, and thinking of settling somewhere.
Especially now we are all talking about Air Shocks and their coming of age.
But those just coming of age today will never get a bite. They will just get a bill.
Nonetheless, tea from the 1980's is now coming of age and commanding high prices.
People from the generation born after 1978 are coming of age and having children of their own.
The player and their friends are coming of age in a calmer time, the horrors of the Cataclysm forgotten.
Green Construction and Zero Energy homes are now coming of age in a very uncertain and unstable economic climate.
But despite these limitations, people working with the technology believe voice recognition is close to coming of age.
Though the industry's coming of age is still some way in the future, this launch marks its transition from childhood to adolescence.
Now when they were first shown, most people thought they were a joke, but they really mark Andy's coming of age as a pop painter.
Unlike their parents, this generation is coming of age in an era of exploding wealth and rising expectations for material success.
It was my first grown-up book, a story not pat or perfect, about children coming of age in a time when reality falls wretchedly short of ideals.
We do have clear indications of two generations in this world, and we know about the events that defined or are defining their coming of age.
Similar rules are applied to image tags, and in XHTML 1.1 (recently coming of age) most font properties and other styling move into CSS stylesheets.
同样的规则适用于图像标记,并且在XHTML 1.1(即将到来)中,大部分字体属性和其他样式被移入到css样式表中。
The Garou denote a cub's coming of age with a Rite of Passage, a deadly and dangerous quest that tests a werewolf's strength and wisdom to its very limits.
Just as your 18th or 21st was your first coming of age, your 50th is the coming of the third age; where you are healthy, wealthy and wise - and the world is very much your oyster.
Miss Davidson, who admitted that she was "looking forward to my first legal drink", will be the guest of honour tomorrow at a charity ball which is being held to mark her coming of age.
But more often than not I hear the same response: "Oh, well, it seems that your coming of age wasn't at all different from ours; you got drunk, you smoked, went to parties, got into trouble."
But more often than not I hear the same response: "Oh, well, it seems that your coming of age wasn't at all different from ours; you got drunk, you smoked, went to parties, got into trouble."