Spreadsheets, such as the comma separated values format (.csv), TAB separated values format (.tsv).
电子表格,例如逗号分隔格式(. csv),项目分隔格式(.tsv)。
Comma Separated Values (CSV) messages are very common and have been supported by TDS for several releases.
逗号分隔值(Comma Separated Values,CSV)消息非常普遍,已有多个TDS版本支持它。
CSV (Comma Separated Values) format is the most common import and export format for spreadsheets and databases.
Support for different transport and bindings: CXF supports different kinds of transports, from XML to Comma Separated Values (CSVs).
The format used for glossaries is a limited form of the standard Comma Separated Values (CSV) format that is available for use in most spreadsheet applications.
By selecting the menu button on your device while on the Results screen, you can delete the history or have the results exported as comma separated values via email.
当处在结果显示画面(Result screen)时,通过选择手机上的菜单按钮,便可以删除历史记录或者通过e-mail将测试结果导出(测试值将会被逗号分隔开来)。
When no encoding or compression is given, the tiles are stored as individual XML tile elements. Next to that, the easiest format to parse is the "CSV" (comma separated values) format.
Constructors by enumeration allow you to specify the values of all the elements as comma-separated scalar values, as shown in the following two listings.
Copying and pasting from one application to the other takes time and is subject to error, and transfer of information using comma-separated values and other techniques is clunky at best.
JSON data supports various data types besides objects: strings, null values, Numbers (integer or real), Boolean values, and arrays (comma-separated sequences of values enclosed in square brackets).
Import and export of SKOS by vocabulary management tools should eventually be as common as import and export of comma-separated values by spreadsheet programs.
The USGS publishes its earthquake data in the form of a weekly CSV (or comma-separated values) file.
USGS以 CSV(或逗号分隔值)文件的格式发布每周地震数据。
For instance, one script might return comma-separated values, another pipe-separated values (the pipe is the | character), and another may return one long string of text.
Many cloud analytics platforms allow you to import the data from a spreadsheet or a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
很多云分析平台允许从电子表格或逗号分隔值 (CSV) 文件导入数据。
Use the implode function to turn that array of values into a comma-separated list.
Our application processes multiple files containing records composed of comma-separated values (CSV).
我们的应用处理多个文件,这些文件包含由逗号分隔值(comma - separated values,CSV)组成的记录。
The array in Rhino can be represented as a comma-separated list of values between square brackets. Thus, the following are arrays in Rhino.
Cases can be comma-separated lists of values, and fall-through is no longer the default behavior.
情况可以是逗号分隔的列表,而fall -throuth也不再是默认的行为。
An example script for converting the audit information to a comma-separated values file format follows.
The various time-related fields can specify an individual value, a range of values, such as 0-10 or sun-wed, or a comma-separated list of individual values and ranges.
各个与时间相关的字段可以指定一个单独的值、值的范围(比如 0-10或sun-wed)或者以逗号分隔的单独值和范围列表。
Exhibit automatically turns the list property categories into comma-separated values.
An array is an ordered collection of values. An array begins with [(left bracket) and ends with] (right bracket). Values are separated by, (comma).
And that's really a placeholder for the comma-separated list of values that I put after those quotes.
If however you add a comma separated list of point values, it doesn't.
You could simulate an array by passing one or more varchar (255) fields with comma-separated values and then use a WHILE loop with PATINDEX and SUBSTR to extract the values.
You could simulate an array by passing one or more varchar (255) fields with comma-separated values and then use a WHILE loop with PATINDEX and SUBSTR to extract the values.