Type the command bind space: magic-space at any prompt, or add it to a startup file to bind the space key to the function magic-space, which expands history substitutions inline.
在任意提示符键入命令bindspace:magic - space,或者将其添加到一个启动文件,从而将空格键绑定到函数magic - space,该函数将扩展内联历史替换。
Type the command bind space: magic-space at any prompt, or add it to a startup file to bind the space key to the function magic-space, which expands history substitutions inline.
在任意提示符键入命令bindspace:magic - space,或者将其添加到一个启动文件,从而将空格键绑定到函数magic - space,该函数将扩展内联历史替换。