In addition to these, you can declare new data types or use any of the Common Language Specification (CLS)-compliant .
此外,还可以声明新的数据类型或使用符合公共语言规范 (CLS)的 。
The Common language Specification ensures that any language can access libraries created by any other language.
通用语言规范(Common Language Specification, CLS)确保任何具有一致性的。NET语言能访问被其他语言创建的函数库。
The Common language Specification (CLS) makes it possible to create tools and components that work with multiple programming languages.
Common language Specification (CLS), which describes a fundamental set of language features and defines rules for how those features are used.
You can write custom HTTP handlers to process specific, predefined types of HTTP requests in any Common language Specification (CLS) compliant language.
E4X is a standard that adds native XML datatypes to the ECMAScript language and provides operators for common XML operations. To quote the E4X specification page
E4X是一个草案标准,为ECMAScript语言增加了原生XML数据类型,为常见的 XML操作提供了运算符。
Com is a standard that specifies how classes should be programmed, not a language. Com is a binary specification that establishes a common method of building software components.
CLS compliance is a new twist on that least common denominator approach to interoperability. The CLS specification is a subset of operations that every language must support.
CLS compliance is a new twist on that least common denominator approach to interoperability. The CLS specification is a subset of operations that every language must support.