He communicates with the audience by ensuring their cognitive consonance after processing correctly the author's communicative intention.
According to this theory, communication is an ostensive_inferential process, which is related to informative intension and communicative intention.
After assessing and evaluating the audience's cognitive environment and cognitive ability, the communicator conveys her communicative intention through utterance.
The polyphonic argumentation is oriented towards a specific direction or conclusion, that is, the real attitude and communicative intention of the speech subject.
The communicative intention of pragmatic vagueness is achieved by the extensional assumption, which is a combination of the assumption schema and the information in the immediately observable context.
A writer will definitively "predict" (signal) his intention or a communicative act he is going to perform, and then he is committed to fulfil his prediction in the form of language.
On the other hand, individual use of language towards the realization of communicative value in language depends on the role of context and intention.
On the other hand, individual use of language towards the realization of communicative value in language depends on the role of context and intention.