The common weight functions are: Gaussian, exponential, spline, and compactly supported radial basis function (CSRBF) and so on.
The use of compactly supported elements generates a sparse solution space, reducing the computational complexity and making the technique practical for large models.
Lastly, using the compactly supported radial functional to take the place of the polynomial function, local radial point interpolation method, is presented in this paper.
By extending the theory of multi-resolution analysis to multi-bank wavelets, this paper also focuses on the study of 4-bank compactly supported bi-symmetric orthonormal wavelets.
The level set method was adopted to describing the structural topology and its change, and the compactly supported radial basis function was introduced to getting the parametric level set method.
Computational results show that compactly supported wavelets can represent abrupt changes in control functions better than trigonometric series and considerably increase computational efficiency.
In this paper, we give a new algorithm of construction compactly supported trivariate orthogonal scaling function with dilation matrix 21, at the same time, the correspond wavelets are also given.
From this, detection, location and classification of power quality's disturbances are analyzed respectively, by the symmetry complex compactly-supported orthonormal wavelet constructed.
From this, detection, location and classification of power quality's disturbances are analyzed respectively, by the symmetry complex compactly-supported orthonormal wavelet constructed.