Most companies act precisely in the same manner.
The companies Act 1965 governs all companies in Malaysia.
When choosing which channels to get behind with marketing, the cable companies act accordingly.
A full text of the consolidated BVI Business Companies Act is available in our "Downloads" section.
This declaration states that all the requirements of the Companies Act 1965 have been complied with.
This declaration states that all the requirements of the Companies Act 1965 have been complied with.
References in these Articles to the Act shall mean. The international Business Companies Act, Cap. 291.
Company's capital system as the core content of the Companies Act, the operation of the company plays an important role.
You are required to register your business with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) under the Companies Act 1965.
AIA's recognition within this framework complements and underpins our status as a Recognised Qualifying Body under the UK Companies Act 2006.
The Companies Act 1985 requires that all assets with limited useful lives be depreciated. This normally includes machinery and buildings, but not land.
A public company can be formed, or alternatively, a private company can be converted into a public company subject to Section 26 of the Companies Act 1965.
The service grid lets participating companies act as a loose federation, each with its own internal computer, network, and security infrastructure and policies.
In the US, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has pushed most public companies to defer performance bonuses for senior executives by about a year, slightly helping reduce "short-termism".
"Without the boost provided by Recovery Act orders, bus companies like New Flyer would be even harder hit than they have been," Ms. Johnson said.
It rankles, but on the other hand, these regulations survive because the reality is that people are victimized all the time and we can't just allow companies to act in secrecy.
In other words, yesterday's ruling should give comfort to Internet companies so long as they act responsibly and quickly in addressing copyright complaints.
If the bearish forecasts are correct, oil companies will be forced to act.
An obscure provision in the 2010 Dodd-Frank banking act forces companies listed in America to disclose the exact source of metals procured from Congo.
Under the Amendments Act, the FDA can require companies to submit new labeling within 30 days, or provide a reason why they do not believe such labeling changes are needed.
Under the Amendments Act, the FDA can require companies to submit new labeling within 30 days, or provide a reason why they do not believe such labeling changes are needed.