The AC complex impedance method is widely used to charactrize electronic materials.
DSC, DMA, complex impedance analysis, SEM, and AFM were used to investigate the properties and morphology of the system.
Infrared analysis, DSC analysis and complex impedance analysis were used to study structure and ionic conductive property of this system.
Through complex impedance spectra, SEM, XRD etc. tests, it was proved that the microstructure and PTC properties of the material were improved.
The conduction types and equivalent circuits have made further study based on complex impedance plots of the sensor in different relative humidity.
For every lumped element a expression of the complex impedance with unified integral form and a capacitance formula in integral form are also given.
Some useful conclusions are presented by MATLAB analyzing on ladder-shaped complex impedance network, and concerned calculation formula is introduced.
The equivalent circuit model of the CGO film was recommended, and the complex impedance spectroscopy of the CGO film was analyzed at different test temperatures.
The complex impedance of the sensor was determined under various humidities to provide one requirement for selecting of parameters in the design of measuring circuit.
Tests of swelling curves, infrared spectra analysis and complex impedance analysis were carried out to understand structure and ionic conductive properties of the samples.
The resistivities of grain and grain boundary were measured by the method of complex impedance analysis, the deficit compensation mechanism of donor acceptor was analyzed.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and complex impedance analysis were used to investigate the polymer-ion interaction and ionic conductive property of the system.
Electric currents: electric current, Ohm's law, conductivity, Kirchhoff's laws, time varying currents, free and forced oscillations, condensers, inductance, complex impedance, resonant circuits.
They are characterized by ruggedness, light weight, high sensitivity, low acoustic impedance, easy conformability to complex surface, low cost and large bandwidth.
The article introduces the development process of the complex transistor of high impedance, including the design of structure parameter, artwork layout and the development result.
For the convenience of time -domain convolution, the vector fitting method is adopted to approach the characteristic impedance and delay function in complex frequency-domain.
The inhibition effect of environmental friendly inhibitors such as tungstate and its complex for carbon-steel corrosion in simulated water is studied by using AC impedance and polarization curves.
But for high frequency problem and complex structure, too dense grid of object will lead to dense impedance matrix and many unknown variables, so the computational efficiency will be very low.
Existing wideband matching technologies have to frequently adjust circuit parameter to trade-off between impedance matching and noise matching. This makes the design complex.
Existing wideband matching technologies have to frequently adjust circuit parameter to trade-off between impedance matching and noise matching. This makes the design complex.