When the user clicks on the customer E-mail address, a compose page is shown, allowing the user to send an E-mail to this customer.
The mail component exposes an action that lets you compose an email, and when this action is triggered, a new mail memo is started.
Mail compose page - attachment portion.
MailToType: Brings up the compose page without a pre-filled recipient E-mail address.
EmailAddrListType: Brings up the compose page with one or more E-mail addresses in the To field.
The Common mail portlet USES this portal capability to spell check both the subject and message body when you compose a mail message.
Buttons are available to compose new mail, to refresh the view to check for new incoming messages, and to return to the previous view, in this case, the home page.
The attribute values from the DDO object are used later to compose an E-mail notification.
The PID string and ITEMTYPE name are used later to retrieve the content data and compose an e-mail notification.
You can allow users to compose and send E-mail when they click on the customer E-mail address in the customer contact list portlet.
If you wish to compose an E-mail, index a database of web pages, stream a kitten video in 720p or render an explosion at 60 frames per second, you must first build a computer.
Mail USES a text view to allow users to create a signature that appears at the end of each email message they compose, as shown in Figure 8-6.
邮件使用一个文本视图以便用户创建签名,签名显示在每封电子邮件的结尾处,如图8 - 6所示。
For example, when you open a new mail item, the item appears in an Inspector that is in compose mode.
Electronic mail and filing permit a user to compose and transmit a message on an office automation system.
In the compose window, mail address description increased every time you switch HTML mode to text mode.
At any time you can compose a new mail message and attach your voice message to it.
At any time you can compose a new mail message and attach your voice message to it.