I also conducted a field study among the boys about their attitude to relationships.
Why it doesn't always work: When Dan Ariely, a leader in the field of behavioral economics, conducted a study to explore what makes people find meaning in their work, the outcome truly surprised him.
A field experiment was conducted to study effects of root pruning at returning green stage on population structure, soil water and yield formation of winter wheat.
In their study, mainly conducted in the field, the team investigated the way names can influence a person's impressions and decision making.
A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of irrigation during maturing stage on agronomic characteristics, chemical components and contents of flavor matter of flue-cured tobacco.
A field study on the delays of pedestrians walking in different directions at signalized intersections was conducted in Xi 'an.
An experimental study was conducted of the cold-state flow field of a dual swirl gas burner model through the use of an IFA300 type two-dimensional constant-temperature hot-wire anemometer system.
A field plot experiment is conducted to study the effects of stubble height and clipped grass length on yield and quality of forage maize SAUMZ1.
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of new potato specific fertilizer on the yield and quality of potato.
A visualization experimental study has been conducted of the aerodynamic field of a co axial swirl jet burner.
Therefore, a study and field test of "LPS" deep profile control for oil displacement has been conducted in block Hai 1, and it has stabili...
A field experiment was conducted to study effects of fertilizer combination on yield, quality and forms of nutrients in leaf of lettuce.
A field experiment was conducted to study the nutrient balance and economic benefit on winter-wheat and rice system with mid-stage effluent of ammonium sulfite method irrigation.
A field experiment was conducted to study the influence of black fluid-film mulched covered winter wheat in dry land on soil microhabitats and yield.
A field experiments was conducted to study soil moisture and water potential changes in farmlands with a shallow water table during summer maize and winter wheat seasons.
A comparison study of some physiologic indicators of rice received common urea or polymer coated urea was conducted by using pot and field microplot experiments.
A field study was conducted to determine the relationships between Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI), yield, and quality of cotton under drip irrigation with mulch.
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different nitrogen and phosphorus level on total fresh weight and fresh weight of edible stems of Salicornia bigelovii Torr.
采用田间试验研究了不同氮磷水平对北美海蓬子生长和品质的影响。 结果表明,氮、磷肥及其适量配合施用,北美海蓬子的总鲜质量和菜用产量都显著或极显著增加;
A field experiment was conducted to study effects of root pruning at returning green stage on population structure, soil water and yield formation of winter wheat.
Recruitment is an important part of human resource management, and researchers have conducted a lot of study on this field.
A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of 4 compound nitrogen fertilizer synergists on the growth and yield of maize and urea-N utilization by it.
A study was conducted under general field condition to control pollination so as to investigate the dynamic of soluble sugar and starch in the cob and silk of two varieties corn.
在一般大田环境中,控制玉米果穗的授粉情况,研究果穗在套 袋和自然授粉时可溶性糖和淀粉在花丝和穗轴中的变化情况。
A study was conducted under general field condition to control pollination so as to investigate the dynamic of soluble sugar and starch in the cob and silk of two varieties corn.
在一般大田环境中,控制玉米果穗的授粉情况,研究果穗在套 袋和自然授粉时可溶性糖和淀粉在花丝和穗轴中的变化情况。