Thesis conducted a study on the detection problem in MIMO systems.
We conducted a study on the potential clinical utility of mesothelin as a biomarker for pancreatic disease and therapeutic target pancreatic cancer.
This article to a particular model of car beam strengthened plate parts stamping process design technology, for example, conducted a study on the stamping simulation analysis.
In a study conducted in Pennsylvania, servers in various restaurants wrote "Thank you" on randomly selected bills before presenting the bills to their customers.
A study on the oxygen consumption rate of chlorobenzene homologue under the condition of cosubstrate was conducted.
A second study on the same product sponsored by Family Health International conducted in Nigeria has also been stopped because of the safety concerns in the first trial.
The study was conducted by having knowledge workers keep a daily diary and rank their emotions and motivations on a daily basis.
The study was conducted on healthy people who were subjected to pain for a short period of time.
One study conducted in restaurants found that waiters were able to persuade many more customers to leave them a tip by simply giving them a mint just before they placed the bill on the table.
The detailed study, which was conducted by 10 institutions including universities and the World Wildlife Fund, was built on a preparatory study published last month.
A new study conducted on mice has found that honey could be used to combat the effects of ageing, including memory decline and anxiety.
We conducted a cross-sectional study in Embu, São Paulo, Brazil, as the Brazilian component of a multicountry survey on abuse in the family environment.
For the study, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, the researchers relied on interviews conducted on behalf of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In a study conducted on rats, it was found that those rats that were fed a high fat meal in the morning (soon after waking) had normal metabolic profiles.
To tighten the focus on those early findings, psychologists Prathiba Shammi and Donald Stuss conducted a follow-up study at the University of Toronto.
The study was conducted on a population of people that, traditionally, does not consume a diet that is high in trans fats.
The University of Cincinatti study conducted tests on a small group of 18 people in their 70s with early signs of memory loss.
Conducted every decade since 1939, the study asks participants to rank a list of 18 characteristics they would want in a partner on a scale ranging from "irrelevant" to "essential."
Google Research has conducted a study on how page loading speed affects the number of searches (PDF) users perform over time. They introduced several controlled delays into the response.
Contrary to popular belief, people who sleep six to seven hours a night live longer, and those who sleep eight hours or more die younger, according to the latest study ever conducted on the subject.
与人们的普遍观念恰恰相反,就睡眠所做的最新研究发现每晚睡6 -7个小时的人要比睡8个小时或更长时间的人寿命长。
Scientist Elizabeth Hanson of the University of Western Ontario conducted a study on women's performance and the hormone oestrogen.
加拿大西安大略大学(the UniversityofWestern Ontario)的科学家依莉沙白•汉森进行了一项关于女性绩效和雄激素的研究。
A team at University College Hospital, Besancon, in France, conducted the first study on how sections of the face age at different rates related to sun exposure.
法国贝桑松university College Hospital的一个研究小组日前进行了首例关于不同程度脸部老化和日晒关系的研究。
Witkow was a UCLA graduate student when she conducted the study, which was recently published online in the Journal of Research on Adolescence.
A study conducted by Arizona State University also recently found similar results when they studied the effects of aerobic exercise on overweight women.
She conducted a thorough study on the effects of exercise and had its findings published in scientific journals.
In a study conducted at Switzerland's Central Laboratory of Virology at the University Hospitals of Geneva, researchers tested to see what would happen when flu virus was placed on Swiss franc notes.
The study, which is to be revealed at a body image conference in London on Tuesday, was conducted in Paris and covered the chances of earning a job interview for sales and accounting positions.
Even with the sound turned off on a video recording, babies were able to tell whether someone had switched from speaking English to speaking French, the scientists who conducted the study found.
Even with the sound turned off on a video recording, babies were able to tell whether someone had switched from speaking English to speaking French, the scientists who conducted the study found.