If the stream being read or written does not comply with the conformance level, an exception is thrown.
Creating a compliant reader or writer guarantees that the XML data being processed complies with the specified conformance level.
Two products have now passed 100% of the tests at the minimal conformance level (as well as implementing various optional features).
So therefore if a Service provider cannot implement the conformance level requested in the OVF description the request for provisioning should be denied.
This conformance level deals strictly with abstract objects as the content of resources, but it does support the idea of extensible types and identifiers for resources.
What is the granularity level for defining conformance?
They are also tools that tend to be less intrusive and value the development experience, rather than a high-level conformance to a regimented process.
At the lowest level, the parser checks for syntax conformance.
These candidate services are usually suboptimal in terms of conformance to SOA design principles and will likely be encapsulated by higher level services.
Used by infrastructure runtimes to provide conformance checking prior to handoff to upper-level service business logic.
Run the OLE DB conformance tests (including ADO conformance tests) to ensure that your provider meets the level 0 standard for OLE DB providers.
运行oleDB一致性测试(包括ADO一致性测试),确保提供程序符合OLE DB提供程序的级别0标准。
One of the features that you can configure is the level of conformance you wish to enforce on the XML data.
One of the features that you can configure is the level of conformance you wish to enforce on the XML data.