The deflection of effective stress path occurs with the increase of consolidation pressure.
The equivalent diameter of structure cell also increases with increment of consolidation pressure.
The effect of consolidation pressure and water content are analyzed and the stress share ratio is described by a mathematic formula.
The effects of water content, consolidation pressure, and consolidation pressure ratio on the dynamic characteristics of loess are also analyzed.
The early period consolidation pressure is rectified using the sub-consolidation increment method, while the consolidation coefficient does not need rectification.
Two thirds of Sino-foreign fund management joint ventures have yet to reach break-even, amid increasing consolidation pressure in the word's fastest-growing mut-ual fund market.
In the consolidated-undrained test, the specimen has been consolidated to a certain water content under the consolidation pressure and then sheared with constant water content.
So far, it is suggested that the calculation could be available for control exploiting the groundwater by use of parameter of prophase consolidation pressure of over-consolidated soils.
The strength resisting liquefaction increases along with the increase of consolidation pressure, sample density initial shear stress, but the increase of initial shear stress is limited.
Based on the model, the secondary compression settlement formula is established, which reflects the influence of soft clay characteristics, pre-consolidation pressure and reloading pressure.
The magnitude of load, the pre-consolidation pressure of soil, as well as the variations of compressibility and permeability of soil, all has significant influence on the consolidation behavior.
The secondary consolidation coefficient is not related to time of sustained loads, and it becomes larger as the reloading pressure increases and becomes less with the pre-consolidation pressure.
Yet this old model is coming under pressure: consolidation of a sort is taking place at a regional or continental level.
Meanwhile, the law of soft clay strength improvement is drawn from different consolidated pressure and different degree of consolidation by many consolidated-quickly shear test.
This thesis focused on the warping soil consolidation mechanism under osmotic pressure as to blanket cracks disposal in earth dam.
When grouting gallery of depth-curtain, lining and consolidation grouting to full-face of the gallery is necessary to meet the needs of the grouting pressure.
The curve shape of pore water pressure developing under isotropic consolidation is not the same as that under anisotropic consolidations.
Based on the laboratory dynamic consolidation tests of saturated oozy soft clay under impact loading, the dynamic response characteristics of pore water pressure were analyzed.
The supersonic wave value and the dynamic modulus of elasticity are increased by high pressure consolidation grouting.
The use of high pressure consolidation grouting in this project has made the high construction speed possible.
The unconsolidated sediment being consolidation and dehydration, while the primary porosity is destroyed fatally, is due to the compaction and pressure solution.
Taking operation al process into hydraulic pressure cake filtration phase and hydraulic pressure consolidation phase on the frame or chamber filter press with fixed volume are studied on this paper.
The relations between initial tangential modulus, confining pressure, over-consolidation ratio and initial void ratio were deduced, and were proved through triaxial compression test.
According to the theory of equivalent of seepage discharge to volume change, a simplified formula for consolidation is derived from the concept of average excess pore water pressure.
The average consolidation degrees defined by excess pore water pressure and settlement respectively are different to some extent.
分别按孔压和沉降定义的总平均固结度有一定程度差别 ;
The complete high pressure consolidation grouting was carried out in dam section of riverbed of Tongjiezi project under, complicated geological conditions.
Because the technique of explosive consolidation of powders can produce high temperature and high pressure in very short time, it is promising in the exploiture of advanced materials.
The critical dynamic stress decreases linearly with the increase of water content ratio, and increases linearly with the increase of confining pressure and consolidation ratio.
The critical dynamic stress decreases linearly with the increase of water content ratio, and increases linearly with the increase of confining pressure and consolidation ratio.