FIDIC is an experts management system which takes consulting engineer as the center.
Welcome to the new and old customers call our consulting engineer or repair the phone.
It 's known that, FIDIC is an international famous consulting engineer organization. It's built in 1913 and have 106 members now.
Like many leading figures in the world of management theory, Bruce Doolin Henderson, the founder of the Boston Consulting Group (and the man most responsible for the Boston matrix), was an engineer.
"We have time to get everything ready for the fine season," remarked the engineer, who was consulting with Pencroft about these matters.
Ringger, an aeronautical engineer with his own consulting company who specializes in cabin interiors.
The corporation has the office of general engineer, consulting room, committee of experts, administration office, financing plan department, general labor office and prospecting department.
The corporation has the office of general engineer, consulting room, committee of experts, administration office, financing plan department, general labor office and prospecting department.