The respiratory rate and catabolism pathway are described respectively by using relative mol number of consumed oxygen during unit time and respiratory quotient.
Dr Giulivi found that mitochondria from children with autism consumed far less oxygen than those from the control group.
Dr Giulivi found that mitochondria from children with autism consumed far less oxygen than those from the control group. That is a sign of lower activity.
It can promote the circulation of the oxygen in the blood, and timely supplement the consumed nutrient substances.
Why was the amount of oxygen consumed so much greater than the amount necessary to completely oxidize the added oxaloacetate or malate?
As heating die sleeve, a few grain charcoal is added and oxygen is consumed by charcoal burning so that oxidation burning loss is reduced.
The consumed charge of exhaustive electrolysis of oxygen in the pores of TLGE in cyclic voltammetry is used to measure the total hydrophobic pore volume of both catalytic and non catalytic membranes.
All renascent oxygen is consumed for oxidizing metal anode to form metal oxide film.
The accumulation of lactic acid in lowly dissolved oxygen level fermenting liquor made the glucide quickly consumed, as a result, the conversion rate of glucose was on the low side.
In the former reaction, oxygen is consumed by the oil to form oxidation compounds.
When the oxygen was consumed up by the wustite, some holes remained and showed eyeball structures.
When the oxygen was consumed up by the wustite, some holes remained and showed eyeball structures.