Navigation leaves the containing element when an edge is reached.
The width the column should occupy as a percentage of the width in the containing element.
A containing element is called a parent, and the elements inside are called child elements or children.
In a more formal definition, topic specialization starts with the containing element and works from the top down.
Since any given element is contained within the start and end tag of its containing element, the structure has to form a tree.
If you bind to element data, it should be the parent element of the target element; if you bind to attribute data, it should be the containing element.
To identify blocks of content generated by specific template files, we use a class attribute value that describes the content fragment in the containing element.
Now you can freely control the width of the Typeahead, either absolutely (by specifying exact widths) or relative to its containing element (by specifying a percentage).
The data we store in each menu item object is an array containing only one element: the name of the category.
But salt and dozens of compounds containing sodium - the element in salt linked to hypertension - have become omnipresent in processed foods from one end of the grocery store to the other.
Additionally, for each row, we will return a valid XML document containing a root element only.
Listing 1 demonstrates how to use these stored procedures to produce one XML element string per row, each containing one element per column.
It defines a fictitious panel containing an element that must be translated.
Each row contains a small customer document containing an XML element.
每行包含一个小的客户文档,其中包含X ml元素。
It is a single element in the containing list so it is treated as a unit in the pattern.
The model containing subunit will add element import to the newly created package (from subunit) as shown in Figure 3 below.
包含子单元的模型将会向如图 3 所示的新创建的包添加元素导入。
Wrapping the sample markup in a CDATA section lets you write it as-is, without having the XML parser attempt to interpret it as a element containing an element.
将这个样例标记包含在一个CDATA 区域中允许您原样编写标记,无需XML解析器试图将其解释为一个包含元素的 元素。
MegaTags — Otherwise valid XML messages containing excessively long element names, or an excessive number of tags.
Creator: an element containing the name of the creator of the service.
This occurs because the RSA top-level Model element and its containing package both get converted to EMF packages.
这是因为RS A顶层模型元素及其所包含的包都被转换为了EMF包。
Class name: an element containing the fully qualified class name of the service implementation.
Version: an element containing the version number of the service.
Desc: an element containing a description of the service.
Name: an element containing the name for the service.
We're going to nest several floated elements within another containing floated element.
Our blog has a document element called, containing an unbounded sequence of items with title, description, and so on.
Otherwise, the else clause is evaluated, and DB2 returns an Info element containing only product ID and message data.
The tooltip is an HTML division element containing whatever text, images, and markup are passed to the constructor in its tooltipContent argument.
工具提示是一个HTMLdiv元素,其中可以包含任何文本、图像和标记,它在 tooltipContent 参数中传递给构造方法。
Furthermore, XPath expressions always occur as attribute values, so the scope of any exclusion is the element containing the attribute in question.
Furthermore, XPath expressions always occur as attribute values, so the scope of any exclusion is the element containing the attribute in question.