The contracts for services and schemas (messages and data) must be based on the business capabilities and related business documents that the SOA system is intended to support.
The contents of this Statement shall apply to all data subjects and form part of any contracts for services that the data subjects have or may enter into with HKEdCity from time to time.
UDDI does some hefty lifting for online contracts, and should certainly find its place soon in the distributed services arena.
The program was established through the consolidation of 25 existing contracts by the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services Air.
This single point of access provides a simple way of enforcing service invocation contracts, allowing for controlling and metering the access to the component services.
Sample lifecycles for services, interfaces, policies, and contracts are available out of the box and can be modified.
Dynamic qualification augments the work being done in describing contracts and agreements for Web services, by providing a prediction and alerting mechanism.
The contract also calls for additional IT services at the center until follow-on contracts are awarded.
Having standardized contracts is important to make it easier for potential consumers to discover, discern and use services.
The company contracts IT specialists to different clients' projects and charges clients for the services provided based on established hourly rates.
In the first stages of service development, consumer-driven contracts look very much like user stories for services.
在服务开发的第一阶段,消费者驱动的契约很像有关服务的用户故事(user stories for services)。
Service contracts. These specify the operations that services support and the messages required for interacting with each operation.
Since the details of services are encoded in a transaction, it is generally used for the management of contracts of support and to verify that the services do not exceed the specified limit.
In this regard, this thesis studies how to develop effective services outsourcing contracts for customer enterprise to achieve optimal participation under asymmetric information.
After inflationary expectations take hold, they get built into contracts for Labour, goods and services, producing a vicious cycle.
As for the quality of his own plant life, heavy contracts and keeping promises, adhere to quality products and better services to meet the domestic and international demand for new and old customers.
As for the quality of his own plant life, heavy contracts and keeping promises, adhere to quality products and better services to meet the domestic and international demand for new and old customers.