For example, if parking revenues are down in a particular area, what could contributing factors be?
During a recent excursion to this area, I was shocked to see the extent of new mountain roads contributing heavy loads of sediment to these rivers.
By analyzing the geological condition in the area of the potential landslide, the contributing factor of potential landslide mass is put forward and its stability is checked.
Cyclic sampling design was used to investigate leaf area index(LAI)in flux contributing source of eddy covariance flux tower swamp ecosystems of Haibei.
The staffs are busy working in the stall, contributing for the disaster area with their actual actions.
But the sense of rational entrepreneurship culture in depth study is relatively small, I hope to provide in this area contributing to a vital area of research.
Weathering of rocks in the mountainous area and gravitational erosion also play important part in contributing to the bed load which easily deposits.
Weathering of rocks in the mountainous area and gravitational erosion also play important part in contributing to the bed load which easily deposits.