Each station has a control center.
The stations are managed by one control center, which is described by China Railway Beijing Group—also known as CR Bejing—as an "intelligent (智能的) brain".
Its control center is based in the forebrain, and it regulates breathing for use in speech, singing, sighing, and so on.
Command and control center display.
Customize the Control Center folders.
Trial results were sent to the control center above.
The control center is also updated to work with XML data.
There were bunks set up near the control center for rest.
Under the Control Center menu, there are three main tabs.
在Control Center菜单下,有三个主选项卡。
Step 2 - Catalog the source server from the DB2 Control Center
步骤2-从DB2Control Center编目源服务器
Control center — The control center provides you with capabilities such as.
The same configuration parameters can be set using the DB2 Control Center.
可以使用DB 2Control Center设置相同的配置参数。
The other way to set throttling priority is by using the DB2 Control Center.
另一种设置throttling优先级的方法是使用DB 2Control Center。
Ideally, Reeves said, he would convert the three-level control center into a new home.
If you use the DB2 Control Center, you don't really need to use the command line tool.
如果使用DB 2Control Center,实际上不需要使用命令行工具。
For example, consider the Control Center when the custom folders I created are fully expanded.
Keep the number for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center handy. The number is (888) 426-4435.
把美国防止虐待动物协会防动物中毒控制中心的电话号码放在手边。号码是:(888)426- 4435。
TheHoustonRockets: The NASA Mission Control Center is located in Houston; hence the name "Rockets".
Popular functions from Control Center are included in this release as no-charge functionality.
Control Center中的常用功能都作为免费功能包含在这个发行版中。
You can launch the Control Center two different ways, using either the GUI or the Command Line.
可以以两种不同的方式启动Control Center:使用GUI或命令行。
You can start the Design Advisor from the db2 Control Center, or by using the db2advis command.
您可以从db 2Control Center启动Design Advisor,或者使用db2advis命令启动。
To do an online table space and database level backup using the Control Center, follow these steps.
要使用Control Center来执行联机表空间级和数据库级备份,请执行这些步骤。
Backing up databases in DB2 can be accomplished using the backup command or the DB2 Control Center.
在DB 2中,可以使用backup命令或DB 2Control Center备份数据库。
In DB2, the database can be created using the database creation command or using the control center tool.
在DB 2中,可以使用数据库创建命令或使用控制中心工具创建数据库。
Here is the command to create the nickname for the existing table if the Control Center is not used.
下面是在不使用Control Center的情况下为现有表创建昵称的命令。
Instance level authority parameters can be changed from the command line or from the Control Center.
实例级权限参数可以从命令行或Control Center进行修改。
The file containing these statements can be executed from the Control Center or the DB2 command line.
包含这些语句的文件可以在Control Center 中执行,也可以在DB2命令行中执行。
DB2 Workbench — the DB2 Workbench tool allows you to execute the procedures created using the control center.
DB 2Workbench——DB 2 Workbench工具允许执行用控制中心创建的过程。