According to the encode demands of different stage resolution, clock-control encode circuit is designed.
The second one is to adopt optics encode as position sensor, and to use RS-232 criterion interface to make the multifunction control and PC communicate.
It USES BT829B and IME6400 to sample and encode the analog video, and then sends the video data to the network under the control of S3C4510B. Users can see the pictures by the browser.
设计采用BT 829b和IME6400对模拟视频进行采样与编码,然后在S3C 4510b的控制下发送到网络上,用户可以通过浏览器观看监控现场的图像。
It USES BT829B and IME6400 to sample and encode the analog video, and then sends the video data to the network under the control of S3C4510B. Users can see the images by the browser.
设计采用BT 829b和IME6400对模拟视频进行采样与编码,然后在S3C 4510b的控制下发送到网络上,用户可以通过浏览器观看监控现场的图像。
The plasmid and the chromosomal DNA co-encode and control the bacterial metabolism pathway for 2-naphthoic acid.
The peculiarities of the system are dynamic encrypt, high speed of calculation, high real time control, and simply encode.
The peculiarities of the system are dynamic encrypt, high speed of calculation, high real time control, and simply encode.