We can call the relation of monopolized to competitive productive activities a core-periphery relationship.
To divide the empire into English core and colonial periphery, as Bailyn does, devalues the achievements of colonial culture.
In Europe, the frustration has been building for months, spreading from the continent's periphery to the core economies of Spain and Italy.
Is the difference between core and periphery a problem?
However, the growth of derivatives in the 36 years since Black's formula was published has taken them from the periphery of financial services to the core.
This simultaneous shift in the rich world's core as well as the enfeebled euro periphery raises two questions.
Investors would be more willing to fund this new debt transfer from the periphery to the core if they knew with certainty that fiscal discipline was the new norm in Europe.
A particular concern is that the recent resurgence at the euro zone's core could portend a protracted slump at its periphery.
France and Germany have emerged from recession; Italy and Spain are still struggling. Is the difference between core and periphery a problem?
Most of the debt that the periphery has racked up over the past decade has been financed by Banks that are headquartered in the core countries.
But optimists argue that the scale of the bond-market moves and the dynamics behind them are totally different in the core and in the periphery.
For now, the euro zone's core countries are likely to do better than those on the periphery.
The cost to insure French debt soared this week as traders started to shift their attention away from the economic health of Europe's more profligate periphery to that of its core members.
This division of core and periphery is common in many countries.
The core members have been good stewards of their money and shouldn't have to bail out the periphery just to save a 10-year-old common currency.
Britain used to fear languishing on the EU periphery while a core of true believers raced towards ever-closer union.
This decline was met with arguments in favor of building security into the technical system, both at its core, in the network elements themselves, and at its periphery, through "trusted computing."
The dissertation tries to explain the above-mentioned phenomena using Sub-"Core Periphery"Pattern theory.
If the countries on the European Union's periphery are down in the dumps it is hardly surprising, but there is pessimism at its more successful core too.
The diamond wall saw blade consists of a circular steel core with diamond segments attached to the periphery.
Nowadays China's poetry is in periphery of the literature so it is of significance to reexamine Yang Mu's poetic realistic spiritual core and connotations.
The two cores are linked with peripheral states with institutionalized multilateral cooperative mechanisms, but there is a hierarchical difference between the core and periphery.
As with the diamond wall saw blade, a flat saw blade consists of a circular steel core with diamond segments attached to the periphery.
Not surprisingly, Germany resists this solution because it implies a gradual transfer of wealth from the core economies to the periphery, a "transfer union" from rich to poorer states.
Not surprisingly, Germany resists this solution because it implies a gradual transfer of wealth from the core economies to the periphery, a "transfer union" from rich to poorer states.