Pay your taxes, speak some English and be nice about the country where you live.
APPLY online for visa-free entry to the United States and the Department for Homeland Security offers 251 choices for "country where you live".
No matter where you live, whether you're a guy or a girl, or whether you like hip-hop or country music, you will experience the changes that occur during puberty.
不论你住在哪里,不论你是男孩还是女孩,不论你喜欢hip - hop还是乡村音乐,你都将在青春期经历这些改变。
You can say the name of the country where you come from, and the place where you live, e.g.
你可以说出你来自国家的名字和你所居住的地方, 如: FromAmerica.
It doesn't matter where you live, in the city or in the country, provided that you enjoy your life.
In Mexico, like in any other big country what you eat on a daily basis depends on where you live.
Sure I did - it's great to come to a country that is so different culturally from where you live yourself.
Finally, if you live in a dorm where your roomates are from different parts of the country, you can learn about the customs and culture of their hometown.
How would you describe where you live: as the town or the country?
Where the teacher used to say, you can imagine you are studying for the country, but you can not achieve in the short term, all you need is studying for yourself, for a good job, good live.
Where the teacher used to say, you can imagine you are studying for the country, but you can not achieve in the short term, all you need is studying for yourself, for a good job, good live.