Inspired by those in traditional Chinese gardens, a covered walkway forms a path between the structures.
Portico Colonnaded porch or entrance to a structure, or a covered walkway supported by regularly spaced columns.
The 'Long Corridor' is a covered walkway, 728 metres (2,238 feet) long that runs by KunMing Lake at the southern foot of Longevity Hill.
The facade is set slightly back from the edge of the concrete slabs, creating a narrowed covered walkway around the house with larger viewing platforms at the corners.
The whole building is raised above its site on fins of concrete, featuring arched, triangular and rectangular cutouts that allow visitors to use the area as a covered walkway.
Stoa: In Greek architecture, a freestanding colonnade or covered walkway; also, a long open Building with its roof supported by one or more rows of columns parallel to its rear wall.
The wooden walkway is covered by a printed glass roof that protects against rain and creates a shaded space.
From a closer view, the building appears to grow out of the hillside, via its bridged walkway leading to a covered entrance.
Tall palm trees and leafy shrubs grow out of a gravel-covered bed in one curving lightwell, while the area below the spiralling walkway boasts a lawn.
Tall palm trees and leafy shrubs grow out of a gravel-covered bed in one curving lightwell, while the area below the spiralling walkway boasts a lawn.