Many Western countries have retained the formulation of "Relative Concealment" in the criminal law and procedure law which concrete expression to Privilege of Relatives Witness.
Criminal Procedure Law in 1996 has expanded the area of private prosecution so greatly that the position and role of private prosecution is promoted ostensibly.
The testimony of accomplice in criminal litigation plays an important role in criminal investigation while it causes some problems on testimony law and procedure law.
From the perspective of comparative law, this article aims at making clear the connotation, scope, character and evidence regulation system of Chinese criminal procedure.
Standard of testification is a core problem in arrestment conditions. However in our country's criminal procedure law and relevant judicial interpretations, this problem is not clearly defined.
At present, the study of law breaks down one of the few papers and monographs, the Code of Criminal Procedure for the study of failure is one of the few, but quality is also very general.
Raised in the introductory part of the Criminal Procedure Act grim reality of failure, the emptiness of the law to address the urgency and detail the purpose and significance of writing this article.
But, the correlation from Civil Procedure Law and Criminal Procedure Law comes, theory on litigious right also being able to become one of basic theory in the Criminal Procedure Law.
Investigative experiment is an important litigant measure prescribed in criminal procedure law, and plays a special role in the whole course of criminal justice.
It has very important meanings on the criminal procedure law that the defendant pleads guilty, it can cause the emergence and change of certain procedures in the lawsuit as a kind of juristic act.
No litigation procedures for unit crime are written in the criminal law of our country and the study of this problem is to fill in the blanks of criminal procedure law of the state criminal law.
The article 306 of criminal law on crime of perjury by defender has made a great impact on the basic structure of criminal procedure, the challenge system and the certification rules.
In the procedure of criminal cognizance of epidemical prevention and cure, we should look sharply at the changes of new and old criminal law and the related judicatory explanation.
In the connection between the administrative law enforcement and the criminal procedure, it is a serious problem that substitute administrative penalty for criminal punishment.
At present Criminal Procedure law faces the new round amendment again. The introduction and transplantation of plea bargaining system becomes focuses in the domestic law circles.
According to Chinese criminal Law and Code of criminal Procedure, extorting confession by torture is forbidden in the investigation of criminal case, but in practice it is commonly used.
The criminal litigation law and other judicial explanation in China have stipulated the subject of search, search warrant, search procedure, and the like, but problems still exist.
Our criminal procedure law modified in 1996 has absorbed the thought of the Acuused Innocencent until Proven Guilty, which provided Non Prosecution and Judgement of Insufficient Evidence.
Whether the enactment and amendment of a criminal procedure law is to shape a structure of power exercising or a structure of power restraining needs to be controlled in general.
Second, in terms of criminal law and law of criminal procedure, in light of "Baogu", the system of criminal rehabilitation can be established and the scope of private prosecution be expended.
Italy, the pioneer and founder of technical consultant system, has laid down in its national criminal procedure law systematic details of technical consultant.
From the view of criminal procedure law, we should enhance the protection of witnesses, expand the measures of collecting evidence, and sign contracts about sharing bribes with other countries.
Criminal execution law is one of three mainstay subjects in criminal jurisprudence system which parallels to criminal law and criminal procedure law. However, it is most easily ignored in practice.
How to prevent and cure the juvenile criminal has attracted much attention globally. Moreover, this reflects the integrity of the national criminal procedure law.
The principle of the Prohibiting Alteration for Interests is the common principle in the criminal procedure law, civil procedure law and the administrative procedure law.
The spirit of the Elimination Rule is embodied in our criminal law, procedure law and relevant judicial explanation though the Rule is not yet officially formulated.
The reasons for review have a defect as uncertainty and irrationality in Criminal procedure Law, which has brought different thoughts between parties and court, caused disorder on procedure.
Although there is not an explicit definition about sentencing proposal in law, similar powers have been mentioned frequently by Chinese Criminal Procedure law and other related laws.
The suspension characters can be observed in several stages of criminal procedure law, including investigation, prosecution, sentencing and judgment enforcement stage.
The 1996 amended Criminal Procedure Law has established the accusing and defending trial mode which enables the equal participation of the accusing and defending parties and the impartial judges.