The traditional world was crumbling in all sorts of ways.
There's a portrait crumbling in a Hollywood attic right now
Across Africa, crumbling infrastructure has held back business expansion and opportunities in international markets.
As the film begins, the Ministry of Magic is crumbling in the malefic grip of Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), and Harry has a price on his head.
As her friends begin to question her "strange behavior", she is determined to find a way to fake the life that is crumbling in front of her.
As her friends begin to question her "strange behaviour", she is determined to find a way to fake the life that is crumbling in front of her.
Myanmar has long suffered from one of the lowest standards of living in Asia, with crumbling infrastructure and widespread reports of torture and other human rights abuses.
As emergency services picked through the burnt debris, a row was resurfacing over accusations that the beloved cathedral, immortalised in Victor Hugo's novel, was already, crumbling before the fire.
The high- and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling.
I often dream I'm searching for something in an old, crumbling house, or discovering abandoned rooms in my childhood home.
But its critics argue that it fails to deal with the key causes of inequality-low-quality teaching, crumbling buildings and widespread truancy in state schools.
In that very distressing moment, when my world seemed to be crumbling all around me, I decided that I could change my attitude; I said, "I'm going to have a good day!"
Tsukiji, which opened in 1935, is housed in crumbling buildings, some stuffed with asbestos.
Indeed, in some ways it counts for more than when the Ottoman empire was crumbling a century ago and Turkey was widely known as the "sick man of Europe".
He found in the Mediterranean a world even more crumbling with ruins and memories, where it is still possible to imagine the sea stained with the blood of old battles.
Do we want to receive ovarian tissue transplants and live to 120, only to spend the final years in dramatically crumbling health?
The case against sanctions, in other words, seemed to be crumbling. But Turkey and Brazil might just succeed in swinging other temporary members of the Security Council against sanctions.
Ardi was found in alongside crumbling fossils of 29 species of birds and 20 species of small mammals - including owls, parrots, shrews, bats and mice.
Caged in scaffolding, the beginnings of a fourth wall are just visible at the top but unlike the rest, its edges are jagged and crumbling.
Bite-sized cubes were coated with gelatin to reduce crumbling, and the freeze-dried foods were encased in a special plastic container to make reconstituting easier.
Here are some of Beilock's strategies to prevent crumbling under pressure in school or at work.
The foam mattress in their master bedroom was crumbling and cratered; their beautiful carpets were being reduced to dust by an apparently unstoppable moth infestation.
The foam mattress in their master bedroom was crumbling and cratered; their beautiful carpets were being reduced to dust by an apparently unstoppable moth infestation.