The interval of the coating time is determined by the temperature at the time of construction and the degree of curing of the film (by hand).
The optimum post curing conditions of fluororubber blends were determined by changing the temperature and the time.
The gelation time of this epoxy resin with modified liquid anhydride was related to the chemical structure and the composition of epoxy resin, curing temperature and accelerator.
As for curing process, the influence of dosage of curing agent and curing temperature on gel time was investigated.
The effects of high temperature, standing time after cooling, methods of cooling and curing on the compressive strength of concrete are discussed.
Many factors impacting on its bonding reliability and the optimum parameters of bonding were studied, such as bonding temperature, curing time, bonding pressure, conductive particles fraction.
The author proposed the principle to select the curing temperature and functional relations of the viscosity with curing temperature and time for three different resin systems.
The effects of type, concentration of chain extender, curing temperature and time of silicone sealants with low modulus and high elongation on their mechanical properties were studied.
On the basis of experiments and analysing the effects of the constant temperature and curing time on the strength of fly-ash, the best curing temperature and time are obtained.
The effects of PPC content, curing agent, curing temperature, curing time and adding carbon black on the mechanical properties of the blends were studied.
Effect of curing temperature, curing time, resistance to media, kind and volume of the sand-laden fluid, and particle size of proppant on fibre compound sand control system were discussed.
Effects of process conditions such as different curing temperature, curing time, starting reaction temperature and casting flaw on polyurethane elastomers mechanical properties are investigated.
The results showed that the increasing of curing temperature could improve the compressive strength and shorten the curing time of fly ash based mineral polymer.
The effects of curing time, temperature and bleeding capacity on ice-formation pressure of grout were studied.
Overview AJD-I Automatic Temperature Curing time is the struggle against traditional scald the lack of fetal development and production of premium.
概况ajd - I型自动定时温控硫化机是针对传统电烫斗补胎的不足而研制生产的。
Aiming at the market demands, post curing process of cotton fabric was carried out, the influences, of selections of resin and the catalyst, curing conditions of temperature and time were analyzed.
Viscosity of the RFI resin film as a function of curing temperature and time were tested respectively. The mechanical properties of stitched and unstitched composite laminates were evaluated.
Then, it makes target mixture proportion design to study on the aggregate gradation scope, optimum asphalt content of mixture, the temperature and time of curing.
Test shows that the curing temperature and curing time are the main factor which affect the whiteness fading and color change of printed white garment.
Through analyzing each factor such as concentration of citric acid and chitin, curing temperature as well as curing time, the optimum condition is defined for the anti-crease finish.
A study was made on concrete creep under different curing temperatures, and the comprehensive effects of time and temperature on creep development were expressed with the chemical reaction rate.
Automatic pressure compensation, adjust the time and deflated deflated the number of heating temperature, curing time.
Then, it makes target mixture proportion design to study on the aggregate scope, optimum asphalt content of mixture, the temperature and time of curing.
Research progress in influencing factors of properties of nano-filler ECAs, such as content, size, shape, surface state of nano-fillers, curing temperature and curing time etc, was reviewed.
The effect of variations in kinds and concentrations of catalysts, resin concentrations, curing-temperature and-time on the wrinkle recovery and tensile strength is given.
The real time monitoring for residual strain induced by resin cure during the RTM process was realized by measuring the relationship among wave deflection, temperature and curing time.
In order to shorten test time, a forced drying method is adopted in preparing sample so as to measure gloss and colour of self-curing paint film at ambient temperature.
The amount of plasticizer, film thickness, curing temperature and curing time effect the release of the DS from the tablet coated with ethylcellulose aqueous dispersion.
结论 :乙基纤维素水性分散体可作为缓释衣膜材料。增塑剂用量、衣膜厚度、后处理温度、后处理时间等因素均影响药物的释放。
It can be quicky cured and resisted high temperature for class H in a short curing time and low evaporation losses.
It can be quicky cured and resisted high temperature for class H in a short curing time and low evaporation losses.