John Gruber of Daring Fireball points out that Apple isn't calling what iCloud does "syncing," and that the version of a file that Apple is storing on its servers is the definitive one.
I’ve never seriously investigated WordPress, but I’m nearly certain that if I wanted to, I could switch Daring Fireball from Movable Type to WordPress without changing the design at all.
我没有认真研究过WordPress,但几乎肯定地说,如果我想的话,完全可以把Daring Fireball 的后台程序从MovableType 改为 WordPress,整个设计感觉一点都不会变。
I’ve never seriously investigated WordPress, but I’m nearly certain that if I wanted to, I could switch Daring Fireball from Movable Type to WordPress without changing the design at all.
我没有认真研究过WordPress,但几乎肯定地说,如果我想的话,完全可以把Daring Fireball 的后台程序从MovableType 改为 WordPress,整个设计感觉一点都不会变。