Additionally, EMC EFDs safeguard data with full round-trip error correcting code (ECC) data integrity protection and destage power backup.
Past NFS versions did not have this ability and therefore could not negotiate for the quality of protection, data integrity, the requirement for authentication, or the type of encryption.
This standard adds a data integrity field (DIF) to each sector to maintain data protection on the medium.
Embedded within ZFS is an implementation of an important set of features such as snapshots, copy-on-write clones, continuous integrity checking, and data protection through RAID-Z.
ZFS内嵌入的是重要功能集(如快照、即写即拷克隆、连续完整性检查和通过RAID - Z的数据保护)的实现。
It also includes the management objective of internal audit, which includes not only the audit IS protection of asset security and data integrity, but also the effectiveness of IS.
The data integrity is an important content of the database protection.
The air interface security technologies for the protection of data confidentiality and data integrity in 3g are discussed.
Analysis results show that this algorithm satisfied the requirement of protection and solve the consistency and integrity problem of communication data.
Even recent memory protection techniques like segmentation, paging, protection keys and simulated segmentation flunks to assure data integrity.
After introducing the organization form of the memory database, it focuses on the HASH arithmetic of index and protection of integrity and consistence of the data.
Since memory is the primary place to store the data, the most effective way to against attack is the protection of off-chip memory, i. e. confidentiality protection and integrity protection.
The first fragile watermarking scheme is more suitable for high precision data in the traditional network model of integrity protection;
Confidentiality protection ensures that the data can't be understudied by attackers and integrity protection ensures that the data can't be tampered.
Confidentiality protection ensures that the data can't be understudied by attackers and integrity protection ensures that the data can't be tampered.