This sample grammar is extremely small and does no justice to the richness of expression and data types supported by XQuery.
Because of the richness of each data element, XML transformations of this XML Schema can rely on a rich set of metadata in each XML Schema to build precise forms.
The data visualization needs to communicate the complexity of the information without losing its richness or depth.
These valuable data not only reflects the colorful life of the local people, most importantly, it also reflects the richness of the local dialect.
Finally, the researcher reflects on this study in four aspects such as the sample, the truth and the richness of the data, the conclusion of the research and the researcher's role.
The richness of the data creates a powerful benefit for new users, and the platform overall.
With the richness of common database resources, distributed users in wide areas hope to transparently access and use these data resources on demand.
Predictive models thrive on the richness of the source behavioral data sets, in order to drive more accurate predictions across a wider range of future scenarios.
The richness of information present in the Raman data enables a wide range of biochemical molecules to be investigated in a single sample.
The richness of information present in the Raman data enables a wide range of biochemical molecules to be investigated in a single sample.
The richness of information present in the Raman data enables a wide range of biochemical molecules to be investigated in a single sample.