For disaster recovery, standard database backup and restore procedures are advised.
There are faster and more efficient ways of doing that, such as using database backup and restore utility programs.
Database backup and restore solutions may provide both online (database can remain active) and offline (database must be inactive) backup capabilities, each of which provides benefits and drawbacks.
In most cases, the database system itself will provide one or more backup and restore mechanisms as part of the product.
Then restore the latest clean database backup and the subsequent log backups, including the one taken in above step.
The DB2 restore command invokes the DB2 agent contained in the database backup image, and the DB2 agent decrypts it by communicating with the security server.
DB 2恢复命令调用DB2包含在数据库备份映像中的代理,然后DB 2代理通过与安全服务器通信对其进行解密。
Now, it is time to backup the database from your primary machine and restore it on the standby.
For the new database, schedule backup and restore commands using the tools provided with DB2.
对于新数据库,要使用DB 2所提供的工具来调度备份和恢复命令。
The offline policy controls backup and restore commands, and the encryption and decryption of database backup images.
This memory is used by database level tasks such as backup/restore, locking, and SQL executions.
Managing data requires specific skills in many areas, such as backup and restore, database design, and choice of service provider.
Backup and restore capabilities are key to ensuring data recoverability for any database management system.
In case of media failure to any part of the database files, simply restore all the database files, and of course all the changes made after the backup are irrecoverable.
For instance, changing the name and the path associated with a database can be accomplished using DB2’s backup and restore commands.
比方说,修改和数据库相关的名称和路径可以使用DB2 的备份和恢复命令来完成。
To recover from the incremental backup, there are only two steps to follow, Restore the incremental database and roll forward to completion.
How to backup and restore the default database?
Compare, and if necessary restore, the database manager configuration parameters to those in the dbm.cfg.out backup file.
对比数据库管理者配置参数与dbm . cfg . out备份文件,在必要时进行恢复。
When a database utility, such as backup, restore, export, import, and load, is started, then the full amount specified by util_heap_sz is allocated.
当一个数据库实用工具(例如备份、恢复、导出、导入和装载)启动时,才会按util_heap _ sz指定的大小分配全额的内存。
When a database utility is started, such as backup, restore, export, import and load, then the full amount specified by util_heap_sz is allocated.
当一个数据库实用程序(例如备份、恢复、导出、导入和装载)启动时,才会按util_heap _ sz指定的大小分配全额的内存。
If the DB2 agent is upgraded after you backup the database and you want to use the upgraded module, specify the module with the DB2 restore command.
如果DB 2代理在备份数据库之后进行了升级,并且您希望使用升级后的模块,那么可以使用DB 2恢复命令指定该模块。
You cannot backup a database with a given code page, and restore it into another with a different code page.
This latter scenario is not a complete backup and restore of the original database.
The backup may be an online operation, but the restore is offline and the time that the database is unavailable may be unacceptable given your availability requirements.
The restore for table Spaces or database can be done by restoring a backup image and rolling forward.
In other words, the backup and restore functions are accomplished at the database level.
You can only do this using the rename feature of IDS 9.4 ontape utility; otherwise, you can not use ontape to backup the database at one location and restore it at another.
您仅能使用IDS 9.4ontape实用程序的重新命名功能进行此操作;否则,不能使用ontape在一个位置备份数据库,而在另一个位置恢复数据库。
You will restore the backup image and roll forward to complete the process, or leave the database in a pending state. There are two types of rolling forward.
Recovery activities like logging, checkpointing, backup and reloading are used to restore the database to a consistent state after a system crash has occurred.
When I restored the database this time around, instead of having to wait 5 minutes and 50 seconds before the backup began to restore, I only had to wait just under 2 seconds.
Backup database and the database that using have same parameter state, such is in in database breakdown, need only must restore the least, utmost ground shortened restore time.