There has been a progressive decrease in population every year in this city.
There has been a steady decrease in population in this city.
There has been a steady decrease in population in this city.
I understand that this represents a decrease in population growth rates, and higher standards of living are likely increasing life expectancy.
Poaching and forest fires are two of the main causes for the decrease in population, according to Yang Yeqin, director of Guizhou's Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, where most of the monkeys live.
The question of whether the decrease in plant fecundity caused by the spraying of pesticides actually causes a decline in the overall population of flowering plant species still remains unanswered.
The power coefficient of reactivity (PCR) is a measure of whether a particular reactor's nuclear neutron population will tend to increase or decrease after an increase in the reactor's power.
One drug is based on a line of peptides he calls mitochines, which decrease with age in the normal population, but not as much among centenarians.
A 2005 study in Wyoming's Sublette county found that drilling there contributed to a 46% decrease in the mule-deer population over four years.
Whether world population is increasing or decreasing doesn't necessarily affect the decisions that determine whether it will increase or decrease in the future.
The population began to decrease in some countries.
We know that the social total output growth has in large part from the demographic dividend and demographic dividend into negative population social total output will decrease.
With the rapid growth of population, there has been a decrease in natural resources such as arable land and water.
Statistics show that China is the country which has witnessed the quickest decrease in its poverty-stricken population.
This myth has led to a decrease in shark population and the use of shark cartilage for cancer prevention treatment, which doesn't work.
The case study showed that by this method we will be able to decrease the population of suspicious seismic events in nuclear test seismic monitoring.
This paper presents an improving method for creating initial population in genetic programming so as to decrease the bigger population and accelerate the lower convergence rate.
Any increase or decrease in the population of one species may affect all other species on the tundra.
In 2005, the absolute population of towns and cities will increase, accordingly, the absolute population of villages will decrease, and the number of old people will exceed 10 million.
With decrease of cropland and increase of population, food problem in our country is becoming more and more severe.
With the population explosion in the city and decrease of land resources, using land in stereoscopic form has become a general trend all over the world.
The results show that under otherwise equal conditions the absolute values of edge effect in plant population progressively decrease as the horizontal edge distance progressively increase.
Conclusion the comprehensive intervention can decrease the average level of hypertension in community population. It's effective way to prevent stroke in community.
In this article, the possible factors related to the decrease of bee population number were analyzed, such as biological factors bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, etc.
In this article, the possible factors related to the decrease of bee population number were analyzed, such as biological factors bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, etc.