Eastern China deep oil-gas exploration is very difficult, but remaining resources amount and exploration potential are great.
Currently the main directions of oil and gas exploration in Jianglin Depression are secondary hydrocarbon reservoirs, deep hydrocarbon reservoirs and lithologic oil pools.
The exploration of mid-deep oil and gas is constrained mainly by reservoir petrophysical changes of deep Dongying and Shahejie Formations.
With the increasing demand of oil and gas resource, oil and gas exploration have to expand to the deep zone.
Along with constantly going deep into of exploring in Shengli oilfield, the exploration of complicated oil-gas reservoir and deep layer oil-gas reservoir has become more and more important.
So the Late Palaeozoic group in ne China has tremendous potential for oil and gas resources, and should be an important new area for deep hydrocarbon exploration.
The discovery of natural gas field in the deep water area of the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS) made it as one of the hot areas in global oil and gas exploration.
Deep exploration target, the hill and glutenite oil and gas reservoirs are one of the main directions of exploration.
Our country is rich in depth oil and gas accumulation resources. It is difficult to drill the deep well and hard formation where the exploration and the development meets.
Our country is rich in depth oil and gas accumulation resources. It is difficult to drill the deep well and hard formation where the exploration and the development meets.