The syntactic component of a grammar must specify, for each sentence, a deep structure that determines its semantic interpretation.
Principally depending on word collocation information, its deep analysis module combines syntactic analysis and semantic analysis to determine sentence structure.
According to it, the semantic and syntactic features of a phrase can be transferred to another phrase at Deep Structure in a given context.
In formal linguistic exploration, these two syntactic representations are commonly termed as D-structure (or the deep structure) and S-structure (roughly meaning the surface structure).
在正式的语言研究中,这两种句法表现形式通称为d -结构(或者深层结构)和S -结构(大概是指表层结构)。
In formal linguistic exploration, these two syntactic representations are commonly termed as D-structure (or the deep structure) and S-structure (roughly meaning the surface structure).
在正式的语言研究中,这两种句法表现形式通称为d -结构(或者深层结构)和S -结构(大概是指表层结构)。