Should either joint-venturer fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to Clause 5, the default party should pay the other 10% of the interest one month after the dead line.
And they should look at house prices and the price of liquidity (defined as the interest spread on corporate bonds that is not attributable to the risk of default) as well.
Some wonder if Sabre's interest in an IPO is almost a corporate decision by default given that its GDS and OTA rivals are all either on the public books or considering a similar move.
And these high interest rates, by raising the burden of debt service, make default more likely.
The benefit would be reduced, or possibly eliminated, by higher interest rates payable on loans, higher default rates and a further increase in bad debts.
Credit derivatives, for example, allow investors to separate the risk of default from other risks, such as interest-rate movements.
Compare this to the failure of Lehman's unregulated credit default swaps and non-cleared interest rate swaps, which triggered chaos in the market because these contracts were not centrally cleared.
A Greek default at this time, with interest rates and CDS prices leaping, would prove calamitous.
Pyramids of high-interest private lending are collapsing as companies whose profits are dwindling due to rising costs and weakening demand default on their debts. Dozens of tycoons have skipped town.
With a debt to gross domestic product ratio of more than 150 per cent, large annual deficits and interest rates more than 25 per cent, the only question is when the default will occur.
The high interest rates charged by credit card companies are a result of a multitude of factors, but the greatest factor is the high default rate on these types of products.
Some buyers of Greek debt may still think the interest rewards on offer are worth the default risk, but they seem to be a diminishing band.
These firms have traditionally faced interest rates that seem unjustifiably high given their low risk of default.
Listing 2 illustrates how to use XPath expressions to obtain credit default swap trade data involving a company of interest from a database-in this case, DB2.
By default, in the interest of possible privacy concerns, this feature is disabled on all Domino 6 servers.
默认情况下,考虑到可能涉及隐私,所以,在所有Domino6 服务器上,该项特性是禁用的。
The Steering Committee recommends mortgage lenders to specify the default rate of interest in the facility letter.
In order to assess this, we looked at the difference between the interest rate and default rate (as a proxy for profit).
What is the default spread and interest rate associated with this rating?
The business was marred by high default rates that went stratospheric during the credit crisis, and borrowers lost interest - in both senses of the word.
This is problematic in a system that has a conflict of interest built into it by default .
But the risk of default grew when low interest rates cut bank revenue and prompted lenders to scramble for new customers.
The engineers designed derivatives and securitisations, from simple interest-rate options to ever more intricate credit-default swaps and collateralised debt obligations.
Thee Lender agrees that no interest will be payable on the Loan for the term of the loan while the Borrower is not in default of repayment.
Thee Lender agrees that no interest will be payable on the Loan for the term of the loan while the Borrower is not in default of repayment.