In fact, it wasn't really a deficit-reduction plan.
But this strengthens the case for a credible deficit-reduction plan.
It's as if tax increases were a mere technicality in any deficit-reduction plan.
After so big a fiscal blowout, regaining credibility may require more than a deficit-reduction plan.
The European Commission accepted Greece's latest deficit-reduction plan, but vowed to monitor progress closely.
But a depreciating dollar that's combined with a reasonable budget-deficit-reduction plan is something else entirely.
Four days later Mr Obama proposed a detailed deficit-reduction plan that combines token trims to entitlements with multiple extra taxes on the rich.
But at the same time Barack Obama was hitting the road to sell an alternative plan that relies more heavily on tax increases to achieve somewhat less deficit reduction.
对此民主党方面没有一位议员投赞成票,同时巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)也开始推销另一项备选方案,希望更多依赖增税来实现稍显保守的赤字削减。
Meanwhile, Barack Obama set about trying to convince voters of the merits of his new deficit-reduction proposals, which he unveiled in response to Mr Ryan's plan.
That could change if Congress came to its senses, passed Barack Obama's jobs plan and agreed on a medium-term deficit-reduction deal by November.
They can pass a balanced plan for deficit reduction.
Giving evidence to Congress, Mr Bernanke supported fiscal efforts to boost demand before the US embarked on a "well controlled" longer-term deficit reduction plan.
Meanwhile in the us politicians are struggling to reach an agreement on a deficit reduction plan in time to avoid a debt default before the deadline of 2 August.
Even if the debt limit is increased, the credit raters suggested that without a substantial deficit reduction plan, the US sovereign rating was still at risk of a downgrade.
Even if the debt limit is increased, the credit raters suggested that without a substantial deficit reduction plan, the US sovereign rating was still at risk of a downgrade.