An adaptive deformable model based on the conventional DDCM is proposed.
Early geometric deformable model only considered the geometrical nature of the human body.
A biomedical data restoration algorithm based on statistical deformable model is proposed.
Contour extraction based on deformable model is a promising and vigorously researched issue now.
In this thesis, a new deformable model called Iterative Gradient Vector Flow (IGVF) is developed.
There are two types of deformable models: parametric deformable model and geometric deformable model.
Deformable model is playing a more and more important role in image segmentation owing to its unique advantages.
This paper do some research on the principle of the geometric deformable model level set, and introduce the narrow band method.
The segmentation algorithm is mainly based on the combination of ellipse region growing and 3D deformable model including 4 steps.
A segmental deformable model for image segmentation was presented and affine invariants were introduced into the model's energy function.
A geometrically - based soft tissue deformable model is proposed and is applied to a VRML - based animal anatomy virtual laboratory system.
Traditional deformable model based segmentation is a method merely based on edge information, which does not make full use of image information.
Fundamentals and implementations of two kinds of basic deformable models, active contour model and active shape model, were discussed in detail.
The conclusion is helpful to further understanding the behavior of deformable model. A new way is provided to research deformable models from the...
This algorithm considers the special conditions within virtual surgery, and has a good balance between real-time interactivity and accuracy of the deformable model.
The conclusion is helpful to further understanding the behavior of deformable model. A new way is provided to research deformable models from the theory of elasticity.
Then a new method merging area information and edge information, geometric deformable model with color and intensity priors for medical image segmentation, is proposed.
This thesis investigates and then modifies the existing geometric deformable model by integrating area and edge information and satisfactory result has been successfully reached.
The soil consolidation can be simulated by using a finite element numerical model of fluid-solid coupling of fluid seepage in a deformable porous medium.
Accounting for the characters that the permeabilities of deformable porous media vary with its deformation, the machamical model for forming one-dimensional pore pressure is established.
Finally, The lip model is created by deformable templates and lip information got form this approach.
A novel approach for object tracking based on deformable template model in image sequence is presented in the paper.
The equilibrium equations of growing deformable body based on the continuum model were established.
METHODS: a new deformable registration technique based on elastic model was applied for describing partial deformation.
Moreover, the optical phase modulation behavior model of micro deformable mirror arrays is established for the first time.
Facial features extraction algorithms presented are based on deformable template model. In this paper, facial features are described accurately about contour but not express simply with data.
Then a complete vehicle side impact model is developed by adding finite element models for door trim, ES-2 dummy and moving deformable barrier on converted model.
Then a complete vehicle side impact model is developed by adding finite element models for door trim, ES-2 dummy and moving deformable barrier on converted model.