This paper describes details about the main types of international engineering insurance, insurance contract formulation, insurance company options, related cases and other relevant content.
This section describes the chunk details that currently exist.
Instead, it is just a collection of complex elements, each of which describes the details of each component.
This section describes how to use templates and implementation details.
Each catalog entry describes the asset's details and provides examples of how to use it and whom to contact about it.
A DIE has a tag that specifies what the DIE describes and a list of attributes that fills in details, and further describes the entity.
It is legal to get method infos of methods that are not accessible; metadata is always public even if it describes private details.
It describes all the details of the database and gives all the necessary information needed to manipulate your models based on what you want to do.
The JMS specification describes the programming API but leaves the details of implementation to the vendor.
In particular, SOAP formalizes the exchange of information written in XML, and WSDL describes the SOAP details in an XML vocabulary.
An access path graph not only describes the "operational details" of query execution, it also describes how the data flows.
This article describes the essence of each proposal from a bird 's-eye view, then looks at the details of either philosophy.
The manifest file describes some details about your application, such as the runtime version of the application.
This article describes implementation details and other differences between the two environments focusing primarily on usability of the provided tools related to the development of Web services.
Notice that the "contact" object includes another (nested) object named "address", which describes the details of an address.
需要注意的是,"contact"对象包括另一个(嵌套)对象 "address",描述详细的地址。
Those details are not discussed here; instead this article describes the general idea and its adaptation to integrate a hash index into a database system using the DB2 index extension mechanism.
本文并不讨论这些细节,而是描述一般的思想,以及使用DB 2索引扩展机制将hash索引集成到数据库系统中。
That is, you use the process editor to create a BPEL file that describes what the process does, and a WSDL file that details how the process is implemented.
The Chunks section describes the chunk details that currently exist.
Since web service clients rely on WSDL to understand the format of request and response messages, WSDL also describes the fault details returned by the web services.
The referenced article in the Resources section describes the dynamic endpoint selection capability in greater details.
Even though both models follow these same steps, this tip describes how different the details between the two models are.
Ben describes how to take images from looking good onscreen to being properly adjusted for best results on paper, covering details such as sizing, sharpening, and color management.
As you have seen, the response of the post is an entry returned from Lotus Quickr that describes the location and details of the document you just posted.
RFC 4827: Learn more from the Atom specification with details on this XML-based document format that describes lists of related information known as feeds.
RFC 4827:从这个Atom规范了解有关这种基于XML的文档格式的更多信息,这种文档格式描述了相关信息的列表,即提要。
The Handling form submission section describes the details of how the submit function is handled.
This paper describes the design goal and performance of SPESEC and the parallel programming environment with SPESEC. Some details of its implementation on the serial computer are also given.
The WordPress:Design Header Image and Color SubPanel describes the details of this feature.
This paper introduces the principle of EPON technology, describes the technical details of the EPON, reflecting the characteristics of EPON this access technology.
The paper details the USES of phase detection discriminator in radar receiver, describes the theoretical analysis and circuit design, and gives out the practical circuit and test requirements.
The paper details the USES of phase detection discriminator in radar receiver, describes the theoretical analysis and circuit design, and gives out the practical circuit and test requirements.