Additionally, a worm is designed to replicate as part of its life cycle, which in most cases means that it will scan, infect, and replicate over and over again, infecting more systems along the way.
This portfolio is designed to increase productivity for all roles throughout the data life cycle and to help reduce the complexity and cost of managing database applications.
This environment is designed to increase productivity for all roles throughout the data life cycle and to help reduce the complexity and cost of managing database applications.
Green mobile phones designed to last only for the length of its functional life cycle, they fall apart for easy recycling after two years are up. [link].
ClearCase environment variables are also used in this approach. ClearCase environment variables store information about the designed life cycle.
Each data Studio offering is designed to address tasks found in each phase of the application life cycle from a data management viewpoint.
Then, life cycle cost data warehouse model was designed via features of cost collection object ending up with the establishment of data warehouse system acquiring cost data as data source.
These transformers are designed for high reliability, efficiency and optimized life cycle costs.
The bubble series, a performance series that was initiated in 1997 and makes use of specially designed plastic bubbles, discusses the transience of life and the endless cycle of life and death.
始创于1997年的泡泡系列,其表演所用的泡泡都是特别设计的塑料制品。 这些作品探讨了生命的变化莫测和生死无常。 这些主题也在其近期作品中有所体现。
Our products are designed to provide high levels of efficiency over a long service life with low overall life cycle costs, up to 90% of the parts of the product can be recycled.
我们的设计致力于提高产品效率,延长使用寿命,降低整体生命周期成本,高达90 %的产品备件可被重复利用。
Green mobile phones designed to last only for the length of its functional life cycle, they fall apart for easy recycling after two years are up.
Then I designed and implemented the transaction management, life-cycle management and persistency management of EJB component.
To prove it, the researchers designed a computer model of how cicadas interact with their predators. In the simulation, predator and prey follow randomly assigned life-cycle durations.
To prove it, the researchers designed a computer model of how cicadas interact with their predators. In the simulation, predator and prey follow randomly assigned life-cycle durations.