The internal standard method using a deuterium-labelled analogue as an internal standard makes measurements closer to the true value.
The hyphenated gas Chromatography-microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry (GC-MIP) has been used for the determination of empirical formulae for deuterium labelled hormones.
本文应用气相色谱-微波诱导等离子体发射光谱联用(GC -MIP)方法对氘标记的激素样品经验式进行了测定。
The hyphenated gas Chromatography-microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry (GC-MIP) has been used for the determination of empirical formulae for deuterium labelled hormones.
本文应用气相色谱-微波诱导等离子体发射光谱联用(GC -MIP)方法对氘标记的激素样品经验式进行了测定。