Action to restore appropriate price incentives, notably through corrective carbon pricing, is urgently needed to lower the risk of irreversible and potentially devastating effects of climate change.
Status Offline devastating effects of last month's earth quake continue to be felt.
Many places in the would have experienced nature's power and its devastating effects.
But the opponents of action claim that limiting emissions would have devastating effects on the u.
And they have quite devastating effects. Many species have become extinct as a result of introduced mammals.
A good comparison is with the devastating effects of the Internet on the markets for newspapers and recorded music.
The new issue also contains articles on the devastating effects of the economic crisis on workers, young people and migrants.
Improper earthing can lead to devastating effects on sophisticated equipment like your PC's, PC based systems, your LAN network etc.
Where music went first, books are set to follow, although Penguin and other publishers would hope without the same devastating effects.
Taking into account the devastating effects of global warming, we can draw the conclusion that global warming is a great threat to our world.
The rise in the price of basic food has had devastating effects on the most vulnerable—the poor who spend up to two-thirds of their income on food.
Since antiquity, the devastating effects of earthquakes on human lives and property have encouraged the search for reliable methods of earthquake prediction.
Devastating effects on the road embankment stability and deformation were concerned because of the karster cave collapse resulting in obvious ground deformation.
This program has been adopted by most of our customers worldwide and generally has proven very effective in preventing the potentially devastating effects of IBD.
As temperatures increase, these carriers are likely to spread into new areas and may have potentially devastating effects on wildlife populations that have not been previously exposed.
Besides the devastating effects of the tsunami, Japan also has to deal with the consequences of the potentially harmful effects of radiation leaks from its tsunami-damaged nuclear facilities.
In Nigeria, where tomatoes are a staple of local diets, the insect's effects are devastating.
They suggest that the macroeconomic effects of the tsunami, though hardly negligible, will not be devastating and will not last very long.
With dwindling resources and an already increasing number of undernourished people in the world, the effects could be devastating.
While an undergraduate student at the University of Notre Dame, I surveyed the effects from a similar scenario, the devastating Dec. 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.
Supply chains will still be feeling the effects of the devastating quake and tsunami that struck Japan in March, which hit component production for the devices.
The effects of the extreme poverties of these countries is devastating. Just a few
The side effects of this treatment can be devastating in terms of weakness, fatigue and a decrease in quality of life.
While the effects can be devastating, they are not deadly.
The real risky proposition is for MS patients to continue to take the drugs that are expensive, don't help symptoms, are marginally effective, and often have devastating side effects, including death.
The real risky proposition is for MS patients to continue to take the drugs that are expensive, don't help symptoms, are marginally effective, and often have devastating side effects, including death.