Railway electric locomotive, diesel electric locomotive and rely on it to carry on the electric energy form to change.
Many European countries have been making the shift to electric vehicles and Germany has just stated that they plan to ban the sale of vehicles using gasoline and diesel as fuel by 2030.
很多欧洲国家正在转向使用电动汽车,德国刚刚宣布,计划到 2030 年时禁止出售以汽油和柴油作为燃料的车辆。
Diesel trains are responsible for more greenhouse gases than electric trains, even taking into account Britain's carbon-heavy electricity production.
Some say that once the costs of power generation are factored into the equations, electric cars are only half as efficient with regard to energy use as modern diesel vehicles.
And with running costs as little as 5% those of diesel models, electric cars will soon start to look like a more viable option.
Toyota Motor Corp., which has already won strong interest in its petrol-electric hybrids, is developing a range of fuel cell, electric and other clean cars that run on biofuel or clean diesel.
He estimates the hydraulic hybrid bus would offer a 20 percent cost savings over a conventional diesel during a 12-year lifespan and a 30 percent cost savings over a diesel-electric hybrid.
Watch out too for a new six-seater Renault hybrid and a four-wheel drive Citroën with a diesel engine powering the front wheels and an electric motor operating the rear ones.
The last thing a sheikh is willing to give up, it appears, is his 4,000-horsepower diesel-electric locomotive.
Altair knew a diesel-electric hybrid wasn't the answer.
RailPower Technologies Corp.'s Green Goat—a diesel-electric "switcher" (small, short-distance locomotive) used for assembling, disassembling and moving train cars in rai...[More]
RailPower技术公司的“绿色山羊”——使用了柴油和电力两种能源的转换器(小型,短距离火车头),以此来在铁轨上组装,拆卸并且移动火车车厢。 这种转换器自2001年研制成功以来,就成为了铁路产业的第一个简易的混合能源装置。
The best diesel-electric hybrid can only recover 25 percent of the braking energy.
To cope with its chronic water shortages, India employs electric groundwater pumps, diesel-powered water tankers and coal-fed power plants.
In many cases, using electric motors powered by batteries will be more efficient than running diesel engines in industrial equipment.
But cooling was unavailable as the reactors lost all electric power, including from backup emergency diesel generators.
And Peugeot showed off the world’s first production diesel-electric hybrid—another trend that is bound to develop in the coming year.
The electric cooling pumps had lost power from the grid, but back-up diesel generators kicked into action, and ultra-pure cooling water continued to circulate through the cores.
虽然电动冷却泵失去了外网供电,但是备用的柴油发电机开始运作,超纯冷却水继续循环使堆芯降温 。
My only regret is that steam locomotives in Namibia puffed their last in 1960, replaced by diesel-electric engines.
The team compared the lifecycle emissions of high-speed electric rail with transport by car, by heavy rail (the Amtrak diesel system) and by air.
At Frankfurt GM's Opel unit showed a small diesel-electric hybrid with a battery that can be recharged from the mains to give an electric-only range of 40 miles.
Sixteen of these early hybrids still service Genoa, Italy, where drivers switch from diesel to electric power when passing the city's downtown architectural treasures.
PSA Peugeot Citroen hopes to offer diesel-electric hybrid versions of its mid-range cars by 2010 that will use less fuel than the Prius on long journeys.
The diesel-electric hybrid SUV incorporates the latest fuel saving technology and a unique 4 x 4 drive system.
The diesel-electric hybrid SUV incorporates the latest fuel saving technology and a unique 4 x 4 drive system.