Pisaster has everted its stomach out through its mouth, and it's digesting the mussel externally.
Today Spain is digesting the result.
The snake was still digesting the dog at the zoo Wednesday.
Investors are still digesting the 214 pages of proposals released by FASB on May 26th.
Even better, because they're a whole grain, the body burns lots of calories just digesting them.
This machine is exquisitely designed and altered on the basis of absorbing and digesting the foreign equipments.
One good excuse for serving schnapps, vodka, and beer at the event: Swedes believe alcohol aids in digesting the fatty fish.
This artist's concept shows a supermassive black hole at the center of a remote galaxy digesting the remnants of a star.
Therefore, by consuming a variety of foods in various colors, you are digesting the full range of nutrients needed to keep your body healthy.
The planet's surface is now overgrown by organic vegetation and living forms, slowly digesting the millennia of construction that had enveloped the world.
The problem arises when you use stimulants to stay awake studying for long periods of time. You may have trouble digesting the information you need to absorb.
On the base of referring to and digesting the studying fruits of ancestors, the dissertation endeavors to interpret and illustrate Wittgenstein's argument against private language.
The reason for doing this is simple: Digesting the original content generates a small but unique encrypted value (digest) that takes less time to sign as compared to the original content.
Before the lecture, the man of great wisdom put forward such an abstract concept that every one kept silent digesting the meaning but it might take a long time for them to truly master it.
Whether or not you were born lactose intolerant, as we age, many people begin to havedifficulty digesting the lactose in dairy products, which can then upset our digestion, andcause bloating.
Based on importing, absorbing and digesting the new technology of foreign countries, our company developed the VI type forced mixer used for pharmaceutical, foodstuff and chemical trades etc.
"There is an incompatibility in the rate at which these are advancing relative to the way we're digesting it," he said.
For colubrids, the venom must serve some other purpose, maybe linked to digesting prey.
The baby had a hard time digesting such rich food.
Digesting, absorbing, transporting and storing the food you consume also takes calories.
Some people have trouble digesting lactose, a carbohydrate in milk and milk products, because of the deficiency of enzyme lactase in the body.
The body needs 20 minutes to begin digesting food and converting it to glucose.
Some of them have to do with merely digesting food and moving the body around, and making the heart beat, and the lungs open and close.
The film business is like a snake digesting a large meal: the production bulge caused by the surge of money in 2006 and 2007 will take a year or so to work its way through the system.
His idea involves farming algae out at sea and then digesting it in thousands of "giant stomachs" under the surface.
Everybody knows you should eat breakfast the day of a big test. High-carb, high-fiber, slow-digesting foods like oatmeal are best, research shows.
Your body will be busy digesting your dinner while you are trying to sleep, so you won't feel rested in the morning.
Your body will be busy digesting your dinner while you are trying to sleep, so you won't feel rested in the morning.