Each row in a database table represents a directed edge.
We introduced the concept of block directed edge cover diagonal quasi dominant matrix, obtained a new nonsingularity criteria for matrices and distribution theorem on eigenvalues of matrix.
When a content item is requested by a web page, the request is directed to the most appropriate edge location on the globe.
If you're unfamiliar with business process modeling and workflows, Figure 1 provides a basic example of a simple workflow process; it is an example of a directed-edge graph.
When a user makes a request for an object, the request is first directed to the Akamai edge servers.
It is proved that the minimum cut and maximum flow problems in directed planar networks with both node and edge capacities are both in NC.
This paper puts forward a new edge-directed enhancing based anisotropic diffusion model.
To construct a valid smoothness constraint, an edge-directed tensor diffusion is used, which can automatically select to denoise or to enhance edge according to the direction of edges.
The optimization problem of constructing a K-edge-connected directed graph from any given directed graph by adding a minimum set of edges is studied.
The optimization problem of constructing a K-edge-connected directed graph from any given directed graph by adding a minimum set of edges is studied.