The metal swarf is stripped from the drum by adjustable scrapers and forced off the end of a discharge chute.
Jin, a device: from the feed hopper, discharge chute can be rotated 180 degrees in the horizontal direction to accommodate different unloading location.
When high level sparks are detected, the infeed conveyor is stopped, and the product reject flap in the discharge chute is opened by a signal from the spark detector control unit.
Based on extensive experimental studies, hydraulic computation methods are put forward for the design of the stepped discharge chute and the stilling basin formed by lowering apron.
To pour, empty out, or discharge down or as if down a chute.
The novel configuration proposal reduces and even eliminates the phenomena of fed material skip, chute scarring, discharge trolley rail corrosion, difficult discharge and so on.
The novel configuration proposal reduces and even eliminates the phenomena of fed material skip, chute scarring, discharge trolley rail corrosion, difficult discharge and so on.