The dedication to all Disney magic kingdom-style parks begins with the phrase "To all who come to this happy place, welcome ... " with the exception of Magic Kingdom Park in Florida.
A new book, The Magic Kingdom: Walt Disney and the American Way of Life, confirms that he was very definitely on the side of ordinary people.
In 2007, more than 14,800,000 people visited the park making it the second most visited park in the world, behind the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney world.
Disney management felt that the cartoon characters belonged only in Magic Kingdom, but the Imagineers disagreed.
Living 12 minutes from Disney World's Magic Kingdom, with a backdoor access road, comes at a price.
Little girls visiting Disney World go to the Magic Kingdom.
Back when Walt Disney was creating his Magic Kingdom, he had a unique way of requesting input.
Only the Magic Kingdom-style portion of the project needed Beijing's approval; Disney will now negotiate with Shanghai authorities on construction plans, but that is considered a matter of process.
Only the Magic Kingdom-style portion of the project needed Beijing's approval; Disney will now negotiate with Shanghai authorities on construction plans, but that is considered a matter of process.