Those only repeating words performed the same as those with no distraction, but those with the more complicated task showed even worse reaction times—an average of 480 milliseconds extra delay.
You can't fool around with the program as a distraction from the task you're supposed to be doing.
One task drives web professionals to distraction more than almost any other: testing whether their design works equally well in a multitude of browsers and on different devices.
So what's available to help us combat distraction and stay task-centered?
Distraction addict refers to a person whose attention is easily and constantly drawn away from the task at hand.
This is not an easy task, but it can avoid you listen when others speak for themselves to distraction.
Find pleasure in every task, every day, and let distraction float by unnoticed like so many tendrils from the pulp mill smokestack.
Find pleasure in every task, every day, and let distraction float by unnoticed like so many tendrils from the pulp mill smokestack.