For those of you who are a bit unsure, we do have a video you can watch to see what happens.
At the bottom of the paper were these words: "See what you can do when you keep trying."
At all the attractions there is helpful information, so please read as much as you can, and if you want to see what you've remembered, please do the quiz after your visit.
Let me see what on earth you can do.
What can you see, and what do you hear?
You can talk about what you see and do.
"Don't mind what they say. Let them see that you can do it," said Mrs. Bell.
If you do that, you can detach yourself from the criticism emotionally and see what should be done.
See what you can do to serve others.
You know what you need to do during the next week or two - and you can see the milestones mapped out for the next few months or years.
When the application is started, you can test your service to see what you can do with it.
You can see, right in front of you, what you need to do, and that alone can pick up your mood.
You can already kind of see what I want to do.
For example, a set of sentences might be consistent, i.e. such that they can only be true together without being an argument. Do you see what I mean?
You don't have to reply to everything, but do check in daily to see what has been said and if you can answer with something helpful.
You can find out more on what you can do with a space, and what tools are available in the FAQ (see Resources).
在FAQ(参见参考资料)上可以找到有关如何利用空间以及有哪些工具可用的更多信息 。
Now you can see why denying what we don't want (the negativity and the mess) we also deny what we do want.
Develop a broader outlook and see what you can do for the world, beyond your own life.
The information presented here should encourage you to try out WPARs in your AIX 6.1 environment, and see for yourself what this new virtualization capability can do for you.
本文对相关的信息进行了介绍,目的是鼓励您在AIX 6.1环境中尝试使用WPAR,并亲自了解这种新的虚拟化功能能够为您提供什么样的帮助。
Do you want a portfolio analysis to see what you can do to retire earlier?
This is a big order, World, but see what you can do. He is such a nice little fellow.
The writer, as you can see, depends on a visitor that knows what to do with nodes of each type.
Projecting from existing trends can be a dangerous tendency, but when you look at this and try to roll this forward, what do you see?
One thing to do is look for a number whose range you can predict broadly, and just see what it comes out as when read both big-endian and little-endian.
We can do the energy savings, we can see what they payback is, and you can see it's a good deal.
God wants to see what you can do?
Then you can preview the changes beforehand to see what it will do.
So now we can see what happens when you do change the temperature.
After you have used PDI to see what it can do, you may feel the need to modify or change some of the provided charts or tables for your analysis preferences.
在使用PD i并了解了其功能之后,您就可以根据自己的分析喜好修改或更改所提供的图或表。
And the number of building upgrades you can do has been taken from 5 to 10. You can also see what venues are trending, as well as their popularity rating based on elements such as number of check-ins.