This finding marks the first documented infection of this species with an avian influenza virus.
Rabies in ferrets has a relatively low number of documented cases in the United States (less than 20 since the 1950s), and infection worldwide is fairly rare.
Interaction of infection and malnutrition is well-documented.
MRSA colonisation has been documented in companion animals such as horses, dogs, and cats and these animals have been viewed as potential reservoirs of infection.
There are many documented examples of genetic differences between animals in resistance to specific diseases or tolerance of infection.
家畜疾病抗性是一种普遍现象 ,这种现象的本质 ,也就是疾病抗性是由基因控制的。
There are many documented examples of genetic differences between animals in resistance to specific diseases or tolerance of infection.
家畜疾病抗性是一种普遍现象 ,这种现象的本质 ,也就是疾病抗性是由基因控制的。